UPLB Office of the Vice Chancellor for Community Affairs
The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Community Affairs (OVCCA) is one of the executive offices of the UPLB central administration. Created on 23 October 1997, during the Board of Regents’ 1113th meeting, OVCCA is tasked to manage and coordinate the community affairs programs and services of UPLB. OVCCA fulfills its mandate by maintaining an academic community that is safe, secure, healthy, environment-friendly, and inspiring for the creativity and innovation of the UPLB community.
It oversees four University administrative offices, namely the University Health Service (UHS), UPLB Gender Center (UPLB GC), UPLB Housing Office (UHO), and UPLB Security and Safety Office (SSO).
Aligned with the University’s public service function, OVCCA is also in charge of nurturing strong relations among UPLB’s internal and external communities, including partner institutions, local government units, the Los Baños community, and other neighboring localities.
A future-proof university that provides agile leadership in higher education for the betterment of local and global communities
To lead in caring for, protecting, and securing the health, safety, and welfare needs of the UPLB community.
To fulfill its mandate, the OVCCA supervises the following units:
It also supervises the following committees:
- UPLB Transport and Traffic Management Committee (TTMC)
- UPLB Crisis Management Committee (CMC)
- UPLB Environment Committee (EnviCom)
- Joint Management Committees (JMC) with UPLB's allied agencies
Functions of OVCCA
- Transform the OVCCA into an effective nerve and coordination center of all operations for all its units
- Strengthen security system in the University by transforming the University Police Force into a professional security force through structural change or systems improvement
- Provide more housing opportunities for UPLB staff through sound policies and comprehensive housing programs
- Enhance the efficiency and responsiveness of the University Health Service to deliver quality health services to the University's constituents
- Strengthen the strategic thrusts of the University as a proactive protector of gender-related human rights
- Build and nurture good town-and-gown relations through strong community networks